

I had to opportunity to go into places that will give you nightmares and encourage those whom are held captive. People make mistakes and bad choices and are sometimes just evil. But that doesn’t mean they must stay that way. Haven’t we all made mistakes and bad choices?? Don’t we all want a second chance? I spoke to a man who knew he was never going to see the street again and he also knew it was his bad choices that caused it. But he had had a change of heart, a heart transplant. And now he and God have a relationship and he has a job to do inside those wall that you and I could never do. He is content even in that place.

I spoke with another man whom was due to be released in 21 days and he was scared to go home….Not because he wasn’t welcome there but because he felt like no one could give him another chance. Like he had ruined it all and that he no longer had any value as a human being. And he was sure that the world would treat him that way.

Don’t we all want a second chance?

One Comment

  1. That’s Awesome! God is amazing!

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